On behalf of Hurst and Hurst Estates, ARC Architects and Chapman Lily Planning together with the Landscape Service are working on proposals for the development of the land to the south east of Sway, located on Church Lane.

The extent of the development proposal represents the extent of the site allocation ‘SP25’ (land to the south of Church Lane, Sway, as defined in the 2016-2036 Local Plan.

Hursts and Hurst Estates are keen to gain feedback from local residents to help inform the development proposals.

Hurst & Hurst Estates is a small and local residential development company with an office just off Lymington high street. The company was founded in 2014 on the basic principle that a home has a tremendous impact on the life of its inhabitants and that the quality of its design and construction must therefore be uncompromising.

The company focuses on the most desirable locations along the southern corridor between Poole and Southampton. To help give an idea of the quality of our work, please see here a virtual tour of one of our current developments down the road in Brockenhurst:


As local people, Hurst & Hurst Estates believe this site to be of significant importance to the area due to its relative size compared to a more regular New Forest development. As such the designing phase has been longer than usual and there have been additional considerations such as how best to leave a lasting benefit to the local community using the provided open space.


Policy SP25 requires the following as part of any development proposal;

  • Land to the south of Church Lane, Sway is allocated for the development of around 40 residential dwellings. The site will also provide 1 hectare of informal greenspace provision for the local community. Detailed proposals for the site must meet the following site-specific      requirements as required by the National park Authority:
  • the provision of on-site affordable housing for local people in housing need in accordance with the target of 50% affordable housing
  • all of the dwellings on the site will be limited to a maximum total internal habitable floor area of 100 square metres
  • the site must be developed in a comprehensive manner
  • residential development on the site will be limited to the part of the site that lies outside the New Forest Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Area (SPA) 400-metre zone
  • measures should be put in place to protect the trees that fringe the site that are protected by Tree Preservation Orders
  • the access to the site off Church Lane must ensure adequate visibility splays and provide safe access to the school and on foot to the village centre
  • the use of the remainder of the site (green shading) that lies within the New Forest SAC and SPA 400 metre zone for informal greenspace will be supported. Proposals should be accompanied by details of the proposed layout and long-term management arrangements for the greenspace provision
  • development proposals must provide a connection to the nearest point of adequate capacity in the sewerage network

The application site is circa 2 hectares in size located on the edge of Sway and adjacent to the settlement boundary. The site is located within a short, level walk of the existing services within the village, including the station, shops and school. The extent of the development proposal represents the extent of the site allocation ‘SP25’ (land south of Church Lane, Sway as defined in the 2016-2036 Local Plan). The site has a level topography and clearly defined boundaries which, in the main, consist of mature trees and hedgerows. The site’s northern boundary runs parallel with Church Lane where there are established field access points.

The site does benefits from established, mature, boundary planting which are to be retained and will provide a visual screen from Church Lane and views of the site from the southeast and southwest. It is of note that there are no adjoining residential properties with the closest properties being on the northern side of Church Lane – this existing context means that there will be no loss of privacy or amenity to established residential properties.

With regard to the existing care home to the south west of the site, the established tree screen is retained which will ensure there is no harmful overlooking to the rooms facing north easterly within the care home.


The allocation of the site reflects the established urban grain and settlement pattern for Sway. Existing, residential development fronts onto the northern side of Church Lane (opposite the site) and to the south west of the site is the Gracewell Care Home and as such (as reflected in the site’s allocation) the site reads as the next stage in the evolution of Sway.

The evolving layout has been designed to reflect the requirements of policy SP25 and the opportunities and constraints of the site. A key requirement of policy SP25 is that the eastern section of the site (which lies within 400m of the New Forest SAC and SPA) will provide informal green space. The proposed layout plan accords with the aims of the policy and provides informal green space to the east of the housing layout. As demonstrated on the landscape management plan the green space is integrated with the proposed residential development with permeation between the two elements (built form and landscaping), the permeation is both by means of visual and physical connections.

All of the properties sit either at or below the 100sqm, maximum, internal habitable floor space. The layout provides a mix of unit sizes, these being 3 x 2 bedroom, 38 x 3 bedroom, and 5 x 4 bedroom.

The proposed layout provides 2 spaces for each property to ensure that there is no additional pressure for on street parking in Church Lane.


The proposed layout plan and the detailed landscape plan demonstrate that the site, both in terms of the built form and the informal green space, will be delivered on a comprehensive nature. The integration between the open space and the built form reinforces the comprehensive nature of the proposal.


Visual connections will be available to pedestrians through vistas in between the detached properties on the eastern boundary of the site and this will be complemented by passive surveillance from the occupiers of the units on the eastern boundary. The multiple access points on the eastern boundary will allow for varied walking routes within the informal green space. In addition, residents from outside of the proposed development will be able to make use of the informal green space as, with the entrance being sited close to Church Lane, people will be able to access the green space without it feeling like it is private. 

These are examples of the style and design of housing that is proposed for the development at Church Lane

Connectivity through and across the site is a key feature which has influenced the layout. Although not listed as a policy requirement but is referenced in the supporting text/ preamble for the policy, the layout does include a safe pedestrian link from the Jubilee Fields Sports Ground to Church Lane. The proposed route through the site avoids the principal roads within the development and consists, largely, of a bespoke footpath connecting through to Church Lane. The provision of this footpath, not being a policy requirement, is a community benefit derived from the layout.

Thank you for visiting our website. Your feedback is important to us so please provide comments using the comments page.

Contact Us

For further information regarding this proposal, please contact Chapman Lily Planning on 01929 55 38 18.

In providing a response you agree to Chapman Lily Planning holding the submitted details on file for the sole purpose of informing the evolution of this scheme, and for no other purpose.  All responses will be acknowledged by Chapman Lily Planning.  Comments will be summarised in a Statement of Community Engagement accompanying the planning application.  All personal information will be removed and care taken to ensure comments are anonymised.   No personal information will be passed to any third party.

  I have read and agree to the above statement.